[kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 6 20:38:18 EST 2008

Connecting vaccines to autism is a very tricky proposition, even if you do believe they have that effect. In the UK the main theory is that having the combined Measles-Mumps-Rubella jab causes autism, alongside the belief that having those three vaccinations separately is harmless. I'm not convinced of the accuracy of this idea, partly because (as someone else said) millions of kids have the MMR jab each year, with comparatively few suffering from apparent side-effects, and partly because I'm not convinced by the science of the theory, with the vaccine being harmless if taken in three separate doses. The idea that the vaccine contains other ingredients that cause illness sounds a little more likely, but if that is true, then the MMR jab is not safe even when taken separately.

It's also been known for some time that autism typically begins to present symptoms between the ages of 18 months and 2 years, with many children appearing largely normal before the onset of the illness. If the MMR jab *does* provoke autism, it becomes very tricky to define who has 'natural' autism (for the want of a better word) and who has drug-induced autism. Almost all parents of autistic children firmly belief the illness was triggered by outside considerations (vaccines, medications etc), but logic suggests that not all of them were, and there's absolutely no way to tell. I don't mean to suggest that these vaccines are harmless and absolutely not responsible for autistic children, but I'm not 100% convinced by either side of the debate.



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