[kj] Blog entry at that new MySpace page of the KJ "documentary"

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 12 19:49:20 EDT 2008

So Jaz, the doomsaying, apocalyptic, er, messiah has "one of the least
negative" belief systems? What happened to all the blood and nihilism
and fiery Armageddon stuff? I guess he's changed....?

Or maybe he's batty and it isn't very consistent and it fluctuates at
his whim, in accordance with the mood he happens to be in at the moment.
It's definitely the "6 degrees of separation" school of esoteric type
stuff, whatever he's uncovering "hidden linkages" between. That is,
seeing all these links all over the place, with a dose of megalomania
that assures you that *you* can see the "real patterns" that show how
the cogs turn in the world -- and when he starts talking about rich
bankers he really starts echoing some nutball John Birch Society right
wing stuff, as well -- like this:


-- which is th cover of a white nationalist/supremacist magazine.


Brendan Quinn wrote:

> Oh come on...of all the belief systems out there, this one strikes me as one

> of the least negative and


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