[kj] Getting in touch w/ jaz and his likelihood of responding

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 12 16:06:59 EDT 2008

I don't know if there is anything I could call a "punk community"
nowadays with a straight face.

Having said that, in what I do still think of as the, uh, "punk
community," yeah, it is the norm. Rob of Amebix, for example, is not
inaccessible; either he or someone in Amebix emailed me after I
pre-ordered their DVD, in fact, to thank me, and it wasn't a form
letter. Didn't Iggy Pop's _American Caesar_ release originally have some
note inside of it actually ASKING fans to write him by mail, saying he
would reply to them? This was 1992 or 93, punk was hot shit again,
seemed like he was trying to bone up on his punk cred by specifically
putting that notice in the LP's liner notes.

In any event, this graphic pretty much sums up how I feel about the, er,
"punk scene":



Alex Smith wrote:

> At this stage of the proceedings, I'm pretty far removed from the existing Punk community --- is this DIY/egalitarian aesthetic still the norm?





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