[kj] October File interview -- "not named after Die Kreuzen album"

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Sep 18 16:11:11 EDT 2007

Interesting read, sounds very similar to a Jaz Coleman interview...

> From Candlelight weekly email, received this morning.



> Q: I mean why the title?


> A: Well don’t you think everyone that ever went on a crusade, whatever

> the cause, just thought, “Well, God loves me and wants me to do this and

> he give me the strength to do it

” There you go


> Q: October File – why the name?


> A: It’s not actually named after Die Kreuzen’s album of the same title,

> it’s a kind of Cold War thing, as in a file on us from the security (or

> insecurity) forces - so you were wrong!


> The albums lyrics:




> Ever read 1984? The perpetual war, economy, etc. Why are all the arms

> manufacturers so willing to help nations “defend” themselves and why are

> our governments so ready to go to war when, as always, it’s not them

> fighting the wars is it? It’s generally the poor who have to do that. So

> get waving your flag because “insert country’s name here” is the best

> place in the world mate - c’mon ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT?!






> There have been many times in my life when speaking to some people I

> really have thought, man you would change your outlook on things if you

> were facing a lion in the Circus Maximus

and frankly it would entertain

> me, in a kind of primitive, brutal, angry type fashion

Glass of wine

> anyone?






> Oh fuck the world, we can always get a new one right? Well actually, we

> cant

This is obviously a save the planet/environment conscious song –

> well, we care about our world and I want a beautiful world preserved for

> our future generations and not some toxic waste dump covered in cheap

> housing. Not very rock’n’roll is it, caring about the planet? Well fuck

> you, you rare free to leave

Jaz Coleman joined us on this track and it

> was a pleasure working with one of our peers, his contribution sounds

> great.






> One day there will be no tomorrow. It will cease. It will end. And it

> seems not many, especially amongst our beloved leaders, seem to care

> Short term-ism will kill us and our planet. Sorry to piss on your chips

> but it will end one day





> We got our video for this banned because it contained nasty images

> Funny that, when it was all 6 o’clock news clippings

It might have

> offended some Muslims too - well, it was meant to. Try and stop blowing

> people up you assholes! Your god doesn’t like you for it, he doesn’t

> exist

More on this later





> Oh the drudgery of it all. The repetition. The same old people at the

> office, the hate you reserve for yourself because this is all you have

> become. You don’t say anything to anyone about how you feel, you just

> put up with it all. It swells, it scars - yet still you do nothing, this

> is Friendly Fire.





> This track deals with the mindset of a man who is very angry and

> depressed with himself and goes to a sleazy bar to discover just how bad

> he really can feel about it all






> More on the destruction of our planet, imagine you’re sat there just

> watching it fall into the sun, all the complexity of the world snuffed

> out forever

No more words, no more suns sets, no more





> Probably the most direct song on the album, lyrically. God (no pun

> intended) it makes me just drop my jaw in amazement that in the 21st

> century we have religious extremists running around slaughtering

> innocent people because “God told them to do it.” Where do these fuckers

> get off? I mean do you think God (if there is one) loves them for

> killing innocents, no he doesn’t, he hates them for it. I mean what else

> would he do? “Thanks guys that baby’s head flying through the air was

> awesome

Get real and leave people alone





> Why is it that so few people are ultra rich and so many are poor. I mean

> don’t these people feel bad. You “only” made 5 billion profit this year

> so “we are going have to let some people go to cut costs.” Wal Mart

> paying slave labour wages

The family that own Wal Mart have their own

> nuclear bunker

I mean guys lets not be so greedy there is enough to go

> round

Anyway, when the world ends, you’re coming with us, fucker!


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