[kj] New October File vid, from upcoming LP - on second though, don't it sound like Quicksand?

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 10 09:14:58 EDT 2007

Yeah, that one song on the video does. (Remind me of Quicksand, that is.)

Does the entire band [October File] sound like a Quicksand clone? No.
But that song reminded me of Quicksand. Okay?

I like how I will say something like a particular song reminds me of
something, folks jump in: that BAND (not song, band) is nothing like the
band you mentioned! Well, duh. Didn't say that. Or I mention heroin in
the course of many other words about glam -- which did, btw, include a
lot of heroin usage in real life (not my fault! it's just the fact of
what happened! not makin' it up!) -- that becomes the focus, as if I
insisted that was glam's defining, salient characteristic.

Nuance 101! Open for registration!


melinda grant wrote:

> no it doesnt olly ok!! :)


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