[kj] An Olive Branch for Olive-r
ranjeef at btopenworld.com
Wed Feb 28 04:22:57 EST 2007
I'd agree with that Alex - where is the "hair metal" element apparent?
myspace.com/ranjeef come to Soulrise cheers!
My radio station -
----- Original Message ----
From: Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 February, 2007 2:07:09 AM
Subject: Re: [kj] An Olive Branch for Olive-r
At the core of Nirvana's sound -- once you ploughed through the grunge production and the guitar squall, were some pretty accessible pop melodies (which goes a long way in explaining their accessibility). I'd certainly liken that to the Buzzcocks (who were inarguably masters of welding the aggressive drive of punk rock with a universally accessible pop sensibility).
I don't hear any similarity between Nirvana and "80's Commercial metal" (which -- to me -- means bands like Poison and Warrant and Ratt). Nirvana's sound was never clean enough to garner that comparison.
Alex in NYC
On Feb 27, 2007, at 8:00 PM, GREG SLAWSON wrote:
I'm struggling to find ANY influence of the Buzzcocks on Nirvana--the latter sound like 70s or 80s commercial metal to me, and Soundgarden sounds like AWFUL 70s/80s hard rock/metal. At least the Killers have a sort of new-wavey, 80s sound. In a million years I can not see anything likeable about Soundgarbage, but then again I also hate Led Zepelin, Punk Floyd, and Aerosmith.
From: Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>
Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Subject: Re: [kj] An Olive Branch for Olive-r
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 19:35:17 -0500
Hang on a minute -- you're bashing Soundgarden but championing the Killers?? You need help, my friend.
My biggest problem with Nirvana (and I have a few) has more to do with people thinking that they'd invented the fucking wheel, when in actual fact, all they were really doing was ripping off a dozen bands that had come well before them -- from the Buzzcocks and Black Flag through the Melvins and --- WAIT FOR IT --- Killing Joke. I hate these fucking crap "documentaries" about Punk that talk about the era of the Pistols and The Ramones and the Clash and then skip right over to the early 90's with Nirvana -- pretty much insinuating the ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED in the ensuing fucking decade between them.
People suck.
Alex in NYC
On Feb 27, 2007, at 6:02 PM, GREG SLAWSON wrote:
It's good to hear others talk about Nirvana as being the death of punk. Now it all makes sense--mainly because they sucked so much, and really sounded like a metal band, but got labeled punk, alternative, etc. Then we had to listed to over a decade of bands--Suckgarden, Mudhoney, Pearl Scam, Smashing Pumkins, etc etc--that sounded pretty much like mainstream rock, but everyone said they were somehow carrying on the punk tradition. Finally some popular bands are returning to a bit more garage sound (Killers, Yeah Yeah Yeah, Artic Monkeys, etc) and are at least tolerable...
From: "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
To: Alex Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Subject: Re: [kj] An Olive Branch for Olive-r
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 15:56:35 -0600
>Thanks for writing that. And, absolutely -- it isn't fun to be
>bitchy, honestly. I guess I got into punk about a decade after you
>did, and even then not into Killing Joke except for a few years ago,
>though I had of course heard the name zillions of times. I'm getting
>to the age where I also am beginning to feel like an "old man" (I'm
>32) and I get cranky as well. I apologize for the nastiness.
>I love all the bands you mentioned, too. And obviously Killing Joke,
>who are a band I appreciate more as I get older. I also wore Bauhaus
>t-shirts in junior high ('89 - '90 -- I even still have a few), the
>era I call B.N. (Before Nirvana -- because after Nirvana in '92 or
>so -- sort of the 9/11 for punk, I think, even if Nirvana weren't a
>punk band, no matter what t-shirts they wore -- everything changed
>and suddenly the same jocks who wanted to beat you up after school
>for wearing black, wanted to "mosh" and go to shows and see punk
>bands). I dyed my hair black (still do) though I never had the balls
>to try a devillock; I had that skater haircut where the side is
>shaved but your bangs hang in your face over one eye -- "the skater
>flop," or whatever. That seems to be coming back. And I loved the
>hell out of Vision Street Wear clothing, especially the shoes. I
>can't help but notice these kinds of accouterments that come with
>musical culture! (Hair, dress, etc.) In the 80s it seemed punk and
>skateboarding were very entangled, and that was the stew I came out
>Yes, you know your musical shit, too. The back-and-forth and tit for
>tat between us I don't get off on a bit. If it helps any, I also
>sort of want kids to get off my lawn these days. So, in short -- my
>apologies as well. I fuck up and make mistakes. I've been an arse,
>and I shouldn't have been.
>By the way, those are cool pics and I'm jealous you were there!
>Alex Smith wrote:
>>Fair enough, Oliver -- I have been being needlessly nitpicky with
>>you lately, and I apologize. I'm under a bit of presure these days
>>(lots of layoffs where I work), and that's manifesting itself by
>>making me needlessly argumentative.
>>I know you didn't invent the term "hair metal" (or "crust" or
>>"punk" or "hardcore" or "thrash" or "goth" or "shoegazer" or "DC
>>hardcore" or "NYHC" or "Britpop" or "Darkwave" or "post-Punk" etc.
>>etc. etc. ad nauseum), but I bristle at the abuse of these terms
>>(seek ye "This Is Pop!" from XTC's first album, WHITE MUSIC).
>>Sure, this band or that band may have a lot of hair and wear it in
>>silly ways (on their face, even!) -- but I don't know about you, I
>>can't seem to hear their hair when I'm listening to the music. I
>>know the tonsorial/sartorial trappings of certain genres of music
>>act as cultural identifiers, but they're just appetizer. The music
>>and the messages contained therein are the real meat of the matter
>>(or, to bludgeon this culinary analogy into the ground, "the
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