[kj] RAVEN at the Grammys - REDUX
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 18 08:05:35 EST 2007
The debate wasn't about whether or not facial hair looks ridiculous
-- the debate was about whether or not "it used to be that a punk
with facial hair was ludicrous". You seem rather keen to deride
those who *dare* stray from yawnsomely rigid Punk Rock tonsorial/
sartorial uniformity, when in fact the original point of the movement/
genre/aesthetic was to champion that which disregarded all semblance
of uniformity in its entirety.
Alex in NYC
On Feb 17, 2007, at 7:25 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:
> If hairstyles, etc., don't matter, then why do these photographed
> chaps
> make such an effort coiffing them, then? Ask them.
> It's fair game. Get over it. Britney Spears' new head looks like, shit
> too. Paris Hilton looks like a bird or a lizard (your choice). Laura
> Bush has an alien face. Raven looks like Chris Navarro on a bad day.
> And also, punks do not also use the word "mosh." The genre isn't dead.
> And the catalogue of bands was impressive, Alex in NYC, but if folks
> wanna put so much time into how they look, and they end up looking
> ridiculous, they're fair game. Folks in Black Flag with beards? Hah.
> -Oliver
> ------
> Oh for crying out loud...... let's not get all hung up about labels
> and hairstyles, shall we?
> News flash: It's 2007 -- PUNK ROCK IS DEAD.
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