[kj] Rudimentary Peni

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 19 16:58:28 EDT 2007

Oddly, that was the 1st Rudi Peni LP I got, on cassette, which has a
diff. cover than the LP, apparently. I loved it, but am also an HPL fan.
(I notice Jaz used HP Lovecraft lyrics in "Universe B," btw.)

I like Rudi Peni's 80s stuff, ending with Cacophony, a lot. I dislike
most of their 90s stuff. But everything since 2000 has been surprisingly


Peter Moltesen wrote:


> I love Cacophony too, but accept that this may have more to do with


> my H P Lovecraft fixation




> Peter


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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