[kj] RE: CULT & Damned

Jpwhkj at aol.com Jpwhkj at aol.com
Tue Sep 26 01:53:39 EDT 2006

Maybe I've just seen the awful ones.  I last saw them about 5 years ago (after they had been heavily recommended here!) and they were dreadful, with bland new material and mostly poor renditions of the old stuff (including a 10-min version of either Neat Neat Neat or New Rose). Saying that, I'm sure you're right about "better than most other bands"... but as a family man, I don't go to gigs these days unless it's something special...


<jane.shadforth at shell.com> writes:

>Re: the Damned, Jamie  - I usually try and see them 3 or 4 times a year, and whilst they've played some awful gigs at times over the last 20+ years, imo I'd say they've been pretty consistently good for the last 5 or so years.  Smash it up, Neat Neat Neat, etc always get an outing, and the moshpits can still be fairly exciting, (although the old punks don't seem to have the stamina they used to, so the "riots" don't last long...) Also, I can't remember when I last heard Grimly Fiendish. I know it might not be quite like the old days, but they are a million miles better for a thrash about than most bands out there.

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