[kj] The Pete West Show

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 14 17:46:33 EDT 2006

If there's one thing I've noticed, Jim, it's that you
respond to every single one of Peter West's windups,
no matter how transperant they may be. I think the
problem might only be 50% his. The other end of the
blame falls on you, I'm afraid. Why do you care? Just
shake it off or block his address or something. There
are so many people on this list who complain about
Peter West's posts yet he gets indulged at every turn.
I'll never understand it.


--- Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Well, that's about it for me. The Gathering is now
> Pete West's little show, and I didn't join for that.
> I had three good years, but it's been downhill since
> then and there's just no point in me being here any
> more. He stifles any intelligent discussion on the
> list, and justifiable insults aren't much of a
> replacement.
>   Ignoring him is obviously the best policy, but
> he's been here for about 3 years now, and his
> routine has not changed in the slightest, so I don't
> even think that works. If anyone gets around to
> banning him, I might come back (if someone could
> kindly let me know!), but for now there's not much
> point in remaining a member of what used to be one
> of the finest internet communities I've ever been
> involved in.
>   Take care people!
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