[kj] pest solution

fluw fluwdot at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 13 16:53:24 EDT 2006

> I don't know why you all can't ignore him. I have blocked all his 
> various mail addresses, so I don't even receive/see his mails. What I 
> do see is everyone's tedious replies, which go on and on and on, 
> endlessly... and then you all seem surprised that he keeps posting.

*i have said this very same thing so many times, one wonders.
if it bothers you then stop feeding your energy and assign trash filter 
to recognize anything pesty -
such a simple solution.

Neil Perry wrote:
> I don't know why you all can't ignore him. I have blocked all his 
> various mail addresses, so I don't even receive/see his mails. What I 
> do see is everyone's tedious replies, which go on and on and on, 
> endlessly... and then you all seem surprised that he keeps posting.
> But Jim, you really shouldn't let it get it to you. Just put his 
> addresses in the blocker, a quiet life - and a more pleasant Gathering 
> - is just a few clicks away.
> N
> */ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk>/* wrote:
>     > If anyone gets around to banning him
>     Yeah, as if. This is sad news mate - the many suffer for the few.
>         -----Original Message-----
>         *From:* gathering-bounces at misera.net
>         [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]*On Behalf Of *Jim Harper
>         *Sent:* 13 October 2006 20:36
>         *To:* A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>         *Subject:* [kj] The Pete West Show
>         Well, that's about it for me. The Gathering is now Pete West's
>         little show, and I didn't join for that. I had three good
>         years, but it's been downhill since then and there's just no
>         point in me being here any more. He stifles any intelligent
>         discussion on the list, and justifiable insults aren't much of
>         a replacement.
>         Ignoring him is obviously the best policy, but he's been here
>         for about 3 years now, and his routine has not changed in the
>         slightest, so I don't even think that works. If anyone gets
>         around to banning him, I might come back (if someone could
>         kindly let me know!), but for now there's not much point in
>         remaining a member of what used to be one of the finest
>         internet communities I've ever been involved in.
>         Take care people!
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