[kj] Jaz Straw
Robert Mallett
robert at jrcardwell.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 10:34:59 EDT 2006
1) The fact that he's Jewish means I find it very suspicious that Straw of
all people should raise a storm as controversial as this.No Peter, I'm not
remotely rascist;
2) If he feels uncomfortable about women wearing hijabs then why publicise
it? Surely his staff in Blackburn could simply invite Muslim women to remove
the veil for reasons of etiquette? Of course he's promoting himself! Don't
be so fucking naive.
3) No. The implication is that, yes he feels uncomfortable, but that he
thinks Muslim women in general are isolating themselves by wearing it. So,
he's trying to liberate them from this monstrous tyranny. Right on Jack!
4) I'm not pessimistic I just know what people from that strata of society
are like. Largely, they don't give a flying shit about you, me or anyone
else. Don't say I didn't warn you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "flight Bringer" <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz Straw
> "He is, is he not, Jewish after all?"
> What has him being Jewish got to do with it? are you implying that hes
> doing this because hes Jewish? I find your remarks very suspicious
> "Straw is a career politician for God's sake, all that matters to him is
> his career and his career prospects and nothing else."
> Now you are saying that hes doing it just to promote himself???
> Cant you just accept that he feels uncomfortable dealing with women who
> wear hijabs?
> "Are you really trying to tell me that a New Labour politician like Jack
> Straw is seriously making these statements out of a sense of welfare for
> Muslim women?"
> He has never said that hes dong it to help the women, he has said that it
> makes HIM feel uncomfortable . Hes not saying it because hes Jewish, hes
> not saying it to help Muslim women, hes saying it because it makes him
> feel uncomfortable .
> And a Politicians job is to run the country and make changes where
> necessary, and that is what he is doing. His job
> "all that matters to him is his career and his career prospects and
> nothing else."
> Thats a very pessimistic view. Yes his career does matter to him , but you
> cannot say that nothing else matters to him
>>From: "Robert Mallett" <robert at jrcardwell.fsnet.co.uk>
>>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>><gathering at misera.net>
>>Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz Straw
>>Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 12:53:59 +0100
>>But as Straw pointed out early in his column, many women do choose to wear
>>head coverings of some type. If you ask these women many of them will
>>respond that like school uniforms it keeps them equal with their peers and
>>reduces the distraction of clothing differences and focuses peoples
>>attentions on the wearer and not the clothes. Such clothing can make women
>>feel empowered as they no longer face distracted men who are (even
>>subconciously) checking out their physical features and are forced to deal
>>with the woman as a social equal.
>> Are you really trying to tell me that a New Labour politician like Jack
>> Straw is seriously making these statements out of a sense of welfare for
>> Muslim women? OK, he's a constituency MP for an area that is heavily
>> Muslim, but did he choose to go there and represent them. He is, is he
>> not, Jewish after all? Straw is a career politician for God's sake, all
>> that matters to him is his career and his career prospects and nothing
>> else.
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