[kj] OT: Filter

James Osborne james_social at circlewithadot.net
Tue Nov 28 12:02:41 EST 2006

Are there any Filter fans here? Just curious. I haven't listened to them
since their last album came out in 02 or 03...anyway, I had them on my
car the other day, listening to Title of Record. The second track was
on, and my g/f said, "Man, they fucking sound like Killing Joke." I
went, "Huh?" She said, "Just listen, it sounds like Killing Joke. Even
the style of vocals in a way at times...."

After thinking about it, I think she's right. Anyone else think this as
well? The song that was on Welcome to the Fold (I think thats the name).

Anyone hear that new group that the vocalist is in with the guys from
STP? Fucking got the album thinking it was going to be good....ugh,
fucking garbage.

James Osborne
james_social at circlewithadot.net

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