[kj] myspace.com

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Tue Nov 28 06:07:16 EST 2006

Janean Lancaster wrote:

> Me too. Because I wanted to subscribe to someone’s blog and had to have

> my own shitty page in order to do so.


> The worst thing is that everyone has hundreds of friends. Friends, my

> arse. You’ll see I have only one friend. He’s a real person I talk to,

> drink with and prod with a stick. Am I going to start adding people

> I’ve never met? I’m quite tempted by lycopodeia, actually - damn good

> tunes. But it’s a slippery slope – I…must…resist…

I refuse to add people I don't know. Even bands I like. I mean, I don't
know Foetus. I enjoy his music (as much as you can enjoy Foetus) but
would he lend me a cup of sugar? I add lycopoedia because I'd like to
think that if I was in the need Marc would perhaps lend me a cup of
sugar, if he had any himself, but it's insulting to the whole concept of
friendship to think that every teenage emo-boi knows Nirvana personally.

I'd like to see them big up the favourites section. I add bands there
but it's a fairly useless section of the MySpace account. Just one of
many problems tat place has.

That said I don't think you need to be a member to read a blog. I read
most blogs using google reader (http://www.google.co.uk/reader/). It's a
pity the feeds from MySpace only include the first line or so of the
text, bt it at least shows me weather it's worth reading further or not.
Which most of the time is not.


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