[kj] Uncut...........................

LONESTYLE at aol.com LONESTYLE at aol.com
Thu Mar 2 14:49:25 EST 2006

The Bible ~ Jesus
In a message dated 3/2/2006 11:48:12 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com writes:

In a message dated 02/03/2006 18:28:54 GMT Standard Time,  
flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk writes:

This  months (Well Aprils) edition of uncut magazine has a review of Hosannas 
in it, on a separate page it also has an short question and answer  column 
with Jaz, where Jaz reveals that he keeps the complete works of a  certain 
character in his toilet and he often goes into the toilet just  to read this 
person. Using your powers of observation, what complete  works by a certain 
person would you think that Jaz keeps in his  toilet?
Any guesses?   (And no  cheating)

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