[kj] OT - Saddest days of my life

CEPLASTER at aol.com CEPLASTER at aol.com
Sun Jun 11 19:45:30 EDT 2006

Dear Javier,
         Being a little over 40  years old and working a meaningless day job, 
 my wife and two  daughters are easily the main source of happiness in my 
life.  My heart  goes out to you , as this is what every parent dreads.   I have  
nightmares about this kind of stuff all the time, as I'm sure plenty of other 
 parents do.
          From what I can see,  you are a much braver man than I,  and I only 
hope that you and your family  can pull together and support each other in 
what has to be a truly dark  time.
                                                                      Hang in 
there,   Carl P.  
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