[kj] Cut out the middleman

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 04:28:38 EST 2006

I think the solution to cutting out the middleman is
putting out your own albums. I'd hate it if bands only
released albums on the internet, even though it's
obviously going to end up that way eventually.
Probably sooner than later too. It's just such a
cheesy idea not being able to actually have a physical
copy of an album anymore, unless you burn it to some
ugly looking CDR. The album cover and inner-cover
art/CD art is such an important factor in music. It's
almost like the first note of music you hear before
you play the actual album. I'm gonna hate it so much
when CDs are finally phased out for good. I'm already
a bitter old man at 29, God.


--- Dave Noonan <noonan.hq at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> I think everyone is ducking the main issue with
> uploads of new releases; I
> would dearly love Killing Joke to distribute their
> music solely VIA the
> internet - thereby cutting out the voracious
> middlemen and hangers on that
> are the music industry, who over inflated the prices
> to a keen and hungry
> audience and who have inadvertently created the
> mess/wonderful resource
> (depending on your point of view) that is now peer
> to peer digital
> distribution, whoever can seize it and make it work
> to their own advantage
> will be king. Can no one remember taping albums for
> their mates and
> spreading the word of new bands? The revolution will
> not be televised, it is
> being emailed...
> -- 
> Dave
> Leeds
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