[kj] hosannas...

Bob Barathy bob at bbarathy.plus.com
Wed Jan 4 18:05:18 EST 2006

What can I say. Im blown away! Thanks to all those who brought us the
previews and here are my personal thoughts on first listen:
  tribal antidote - democracy(ish) 'we' get a name check!?-weakest track to
  hosannas - fast rock-style with haunting synth
  invocation - pandemonium sounding
  implosion - again a fast, hard, rocky feel
  majestic - WOW i have waited 15 years to hear a track like this! fuck me
(pardon my french!!!) firedances meets extremities
  wanking with dogs - hypnotic guitar very likeable
  lightbringer - okay but doesn't shine out from the others
  judas goat - lovely - 2nd fav track
  gratitude - heavy guitar again but Jaz sings!

  A real mixed bag of sounds for this outing. It's going to take a while to
get the feel for it and to get to know the songs but could this be the best
thing since Extremities? Now just got to figure out the lyrics

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