[kj] Leeds Leeds Leeds

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 13 12:59:41 EST 2006

They might want to play Leeds
but a venue and promoter need to be up for it on the

so you might be better off contacting local promoters
than the bands management... there might be no
available venues of a suitable size on the nights the
band can play!

There were more T-shirt bootleggers outside after the
Leeds gig in 2003 than any other gig I've been to I
think. Could that have something to do with it?

--- Dave Noonan <noonan.hq at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Did the lads get their tour bus nicked, or did they
> have a dodgy curry and
> splatter their best leathers, because something has
> put them off playing
> Leeds again. Every gig I have been to here has been
> better supported than a
> lot of other cities, yet we are apparently left in
> the cold again...
> If any of their management are reading this - get
> your fucking act sorted
> and get the Joke back in Leeds. NOW! Oh and get the
> typo sorted out on that
> sleeve, it's either BASEMENT or BASEMENTS, one or
> the other please.
> Dave
> (Irate with a poisoned leg)
> Leeds
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