[kj] Killing Joke - Is that it?

Crack b.s.crack at generalmail.de
Wed Dec 6 14:31:28 EST 2006

"Who's Betrayer?"

It is YOU Miho-san .
You are the Betrayer.
You gave an opinion
Then you say that opinions are worthless.
So you believe that your own opinion is worthless
To regard yourself on such a condescending way.
Means that you have betrayed yourself.
You are the betrayer Miho-san

Quoting miho4001 <miho4001 at yahoo.co.jp>:

> "Resource" is worthy.

> "Opinion" is worthless.

> This is my opinion.


> PS.

> Who's Betrayer?




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! JAPAN - Red Ribbon Campaign 2006


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