[kj] The Light Dies Down on the Top Three
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 25 04:57:27 EDT 2006
Hahah, Dog Fashion Disco! Yes, they do indeed suck
shit. Never thought I'd see their name come up on this
list. Nor Tub Ring's for that matter. I played a show
with DFD once. They were the worst music in the world.
I went way out of my way to avoid saying one word to
them. Tub Ring are good friends of mine. Awesome guys,
questionable band. They have their moments.
--- James Osborne <james_social at circlewithadot.net>
> This isn't just a question for gorilla...but for all
> the Genesis haters
> on the list. Are basing this on their entire
> selection or just based on
> what you've heard with Phil Collins on vox?
> Btw, Top Three Bands I want to take a shit on:
> 1. Dog Fashion Disco
> 2. Demon Hunter
> 3. Styx
> The first two are bands that my buddy listens to all
> the time, and I
> can't stand them. He only likes Dog Fashion Disco
> because "They're like
> Tubring and Mr. Bungle!" and Demon Hunter because
> he's an idiot. And
> Styx I just have a problem with.
> gorilla spanker wrote:
> > Top three bands I disike the most :
> >
> > 1.Genesis.
> > 2.AC/DC
> > 3.KISS
> --
> James Osborne
> james_social at circlewithadot.net
> Japanese Music Information -> www.circlewithadot.net
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