[kj] From Self-Titled to Outside the Gate

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 02:13:04 EDT 2006

I've been known to enjoy the "spree" but it usually
spans over a few days. Skinny Puppy, Melvins, Aphex
Twin, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Fugazi, Ween,
Squarepusher...all those bands are spree-friendly. 

Hard to dedicate that much consecutive time to
listening to music, unfortunately. The last time i did
it with KJ was driving by myself to and from Toronto
(4 hours each way). You really do get a sense that the
parade has gone by once Outside the Gate comes on.
It's all about the first 6 albums for me (and of
course Ha! and all the singles and blah blah). There
are gems to be had on every release that came after
(with the possible and likely exception of HFTBOH) but
those first 6 albums were the sound of a band on fire.
Yes, even Brighter. 


--- James Osborne <james_social at circlewithadot.net>

> So as I have no life, as I've been cleaning and
> doing dishes and such 
> today, I've listened to the Killing Joke catelouge
> starting from the 
> first self-titled and I'm now part way into Outside
> the Gate.
> Now what I have to ask supporters of Outside the
> Gate who think the 
> album is fantastic...you should try to do this
> sometime. It may change 
> your opinion. Hearing the entire sound of Killing
> Joke be destroyed.
> I think I might continue, but I fear that if I
> continue this and get 
> into the 90s albums it will make me not appreciate
> KJ2003 and Hosannas 
> as much.
> Has anyone ever done a KJ spree like this in a day?
> -- 
> James Osborne
> james_social at circlewithadot.net
> Japanese Music Information -> www.circlewithadot.net
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> Last.FM Music Blog -> www.last.fm/user/chuuzetsu
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