[kj] New Pandemonium

CrimsonDynamoV at aol.com CrimsonDynamoV at aol.com
Sat Aug 19 06:18:15 EDT 2006

Oh lorddumbcock(or shall we just call you Joe then) 
Why would we shut down the site then? Lack of members? I don't remember the  
"mighty jesters" site being that busy till it was tagged onto the Official  
Killing Joke site?
So only one person can die from cancer in a family now? Do you want me to  
post the Death Certificate then?
Oh and when the Dann suicide shit happened I was a loyal member of your  
board. You posted the email that were sent. Was my name on any of them?
 I can't be bothered arguing in public with you. If you still have  issues 
with myself then email me. I did myself no favours by attacking you on  here in 
the past and likewise you'll just end up making yourself look like a  cunt. 
Most folk don't give a fuck about either of us and care less for their  
gathering turning into a flaming war-zone.
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