[kj] Re: French interview

Stephen Robinson heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Aug 18 05:46:54 EDT 2006

He's a flipping lier, and it's just starting to get on my nerves a bit...

> Here's a translation of one interesting bit from the French interview
> posted by Lizzzzz from Amsterdam (see
> "Le bassiste Paul Raven a été occupé par l'album de Ministry. Du coup
> a-t-il eu une contribution importante sur cet album de Killing Joke ?
> (Rires). Pas de commentaire. Killing Joke c'est Geordie et moi. Il y a
> 12 albums de Killing Joke, Geordie joue la basse sur 10 d'entre eux.
> Pff ! Et également la batterie sur 3 d'entre eux. Je fais tout le
> reste. Au bout du compte, j'adore jouer avec ce mec. C'est un super
> guitariste, il sonne comme un mur de 4 guitares à lui tout seul. Pour
> moi, travailler avec Geordie Walker est un privilège. Benny notre
> batteur, les jeunes sont ceux qui deviennent meilleurs. Tu n'as pas
> besoin des vieux. C'est la même chose avec la basse. Tu as besoin de
> plus d'énergie et de précision. Les standards musicaux doivent restés à
> un niveau élevé. Killing Joke est un son et un style de vie. Le look
> n'est pas important. La célébration est tout ce qui compte. Voilà c'est
> tout. Tant que Geordie continuera à vouloir faire ça, Killing Joke
> continuera de vivre. Nous continuerons à faire de la musique et chaque
> album doit être meilleur. Nous essayons toujours de nous améliorer et
> de nous surpasser."
> Translation:
> "Q. Bassist Paul Raven has been busy with the Ministry album. As a
> result, has he made an important contribution to this KJ album?
> A. (Laughs). No comment. Killing Joke is Geordie and me. There are 12
> KJ albums. Geordie plays bass on 10 of them. Pff! And the same goes for
> the drums on 3 of them. The bottom line is, I love playing with this
> guy. He's a fantastic guitarist. He's like a wall of four guitars all
> by himself. For me, working with Geordie Walker is a privilege. Benny
> our drummer... Young people keep on getting better. You don't need old
> people. It's the same with the bass. You need more energy and
> precision. Musical standards must be kept at a high level. KJ is like a
> way of life. The image isn't important. The celebration is all that
> matters. That's it. As long as Geordie keeps wanting to do it, KJ will
> continue to exist. We'll keep making music and each album will be
> better [sic]. We try always to improve and to surpass ourselves."
> Jaz also claims Tool's Danny Carey as a pal, and says Danny once played
> with KJ.
> Maybe someone else will chip in with some other paragraphs...
> But, why is Jaz standing with (practically endorsing) two different
> Coca-Cola products in the pictures? Has he no shame?
> JC, Oslo

I wrote this on my Amiga One runing OS4, now with screen dragging

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