CEPLASTER at aol.com CEPLASTER at aol.com
Tue Aug 8 21:04:40 EDT 2006

Dear Alex,
        Very sorry to hear about the  tinnitus.   By all rights I should have 
it but don't.  I have  heard that certain things aggravate the condition 
(possibly caffeine), but you  definitely have to be careful with that ipod.  that 
sound going straight  into your eardrums with no dispersion or diffusion or 
whatever you want to call  it is definitely unhealthy.  I am hearing more and 
more news items  concerning younger kids developing hearing issues as a result 
of ipod  abuse.
         Even Pete Townsend, who is  kind of a poster person for tinnitus, 
has said that he thinks the thing that did  his ears in wasn't all the loud gigs 
as much as it was going home shitfaced  after the gigs,  and working on his 
demos with the head phones cranked  up.
         Oh yeah,   I  think I remember hearing that alcohol slows down the 
ears ability to shut down  and protect itself when being subjected to loud 
volume.   Back in the  80's and early 90's there was a music biz term called a 
"cocaine mix",   which applied to records that were abnormally bright and trebly 
sounding, due to  the fact that the mix engineer was blowing rails and his 
sensistivity to high  end was being dulled out (kinda like the sound of Fire 
Dances compared to the  sound of Hosannas.)  fire Dances sounds like coke, 
Hosannas sounds like  booze (or maybe robitussin.)   
           Anyway, I'll  do some asking around and see if I can find any info 
for you.  Take care,  Carl P.
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