[kj] The Lightbringer (Answers and ANSWERS)

Djehuti111 djehuti111 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 23:51:14 EDT 2006

 Good Evening James "Bruce",

--- James Osborne <rush_me_away at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing out (since I don't read the
> 100000000s of emails that  come in on this list
> everyday), 

 Heh, neither do I really.
 I just got back from vaction to find over 1040 of
them in my inbox.

> but isn't Peter more so referring to 
> what Jaz's lyrics mean than Peter's own beliefs?

 Well, I haven't seen the lyric sheet yet.
If someone would like to post them I'm sure it would
be of great interest to all.

 I'm referring to Peter's specific wording in his
email  and to the classical imagery that is
represented by the terms "Lightbringer" and
"Rebellious Spirit".
 These terms refer to "Lucifer", the rebellious angel
in the Bible.

 Besides, does Alien mean from another planet, from
another country, or just from "outside"? :D


> Djehuti111 <djehuti111 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>    The thing that you seem to refuse to take into
> account (which I find interesting) is that the
> "concept" of "Aliens" are more plausible for you
> than
> that of "Lucifer" of Satan"!?!
>  Isn't one imaginary "scapegoat" just as good as
> another?
> ---------------------------
> James "Bruce" Osborne
> rush_me_away at yahoo.com
> www.circlewithadot.net -> information on obscure
> japanese artists
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"The scene was wild and somewhat sinister. The
darkness, the palms, the mountainous background, the
silent lake below, the impenetrable canopy of space,
studded with secretive and significant stars, formed a
stupendous setting for the savage noise and blaze of
the ceremony."

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