[kj] Re: Perceptions so far.

Stephen Robinson heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Apr 13 21:18:58 EDT 2006

I really liked Adam Ant, when I was about 10 or so, Prince Charming and all
that, and you know what I still do, as pop music, I recently heard Dirk
Wears White Soxs, and it's below average Post punk bandwagon jumping, I was
very disapointed, eps as his Peel sessions album was pretty good.

What I'm badly trying to say is, I prefer his pop to the proper stuff. But
he was rubbish post Goodie two shoes. 

> weve discussed this so many times
> white sox was a classic
> but kotwf and his blatent posing was as desperate attempt at pop as
> drug addicted hooker desperate for a fix on a street corner looking for
> business. Plus his statements in the media at the time were putting
> down many of the people who owned his albums. Yes i was in the crass

I wrote this on my Amiga One runing OS4, now with Screen Dragging!

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