[kj] 24 million people... 1 from those here!

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Thu Sep 29 06:39:01 EDT 2005

"Hey, why not just make the plants illegal so that the pharmaceutical
 conglomerates (who just count me as a unit...)can repackage the
 active ingredients with a patent the medicine fer megabuckage....
 Can't have the simple plant competing against the product, can they?"

      You ARE just a unit.What would you like?Special treatment?

Yet another, "poor us" post. Yet another "Its not fair "post.Yet another"big
evil conglomerates"post. Yet another  unsubstantiated post to make the
masses feel sorry for themselves.
     Just for you information:Yes a simple plant can compete with a
product.Have you not seen any health food stores , or any Herbal remedy
stores, or any of the Chinese shops selling raw plants?
     Yes, these plants are competing against the patented drugs.(and doing
very well)
So you can have it.

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