[kj] Interview
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 12 07:48:34 EST 2005
You're letting him off the hook too easily, Peter.
Alex in NYC
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, at 06:23 AM, peter.west410 wrote:
> I thought that I would watch the DVD interview. After listening to
> far-fetched stories about having a bath and a spliff on a private 747
> at 35 000 feet, which I thought was possible but hard to believe. He
> then went to say that everytime he goes to check-in at Heathrow, the
> check-in girls (who are Killing joke fans) upgrade him to first-class
> and he is taken to first -class where the stewardess tells Jaz to put
> his arms up and proceeds to change his clothes into his pyjamas for
> him................................
> At this point I realised that this interview is not to be taken
> seriously, and thus there is no point in discussing the points raised
> in the interview.
> The interview has no intellectual merit, and should just be seen as
> entertainment. The interview has no honest substance and should not be
> taken seriously, so there is no point discussing the points raised.
> Discussing these points raised is on par with discussing points
> raised 10 minutes before closing time after spending all night in a
> bar.
> I may watch the rest of the interview when I have nothing better to do
> PW
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