[kj] KJ DVD availability...

Mikael Byström mikael.bystrom at punkass.com
Sat Nov 5 10:56:36 EST 2005

peter.west410 said:

> I'm pleased that I dont have to converse with
>shopkeepers anymore, the chainstores are okay
It seems to me you haven't bought shitloads of records in your life. I
only go to smaller shops where I can build a relation to the individuals
that get me records when I'm away, that I didn't know I'd love until I
hear them. There's no replacement to that (Amazon stylee shopping is way
way behind).

>   I go into record shops to see if there is anything that I want to buy,
>not to have a conversation or to make friends, dont you find that talking to
>people is just a hassle? A hassle you could do without?
This attitude of yours unfortunately tells me more of you than I care to
know. It's your loss, man. Find another shop then. Or learn how to shape
up the existing ones. 

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