[kj] projectile vomiting

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 2 13:51:05 EST 2005

Ready your slings and arrows, but I have nothing against either the Bee 
Gees or Abba. For a start, the Bee Gees had a sparkling back catalog 
even before the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack (if you can't 
appreciate the pop genius of "Lonely Days," you have anuses for ears). 
Likewise with Abba. I mean, if you have to listen to pop, it certainly 
doesn't come in any finer form than Abba. You can also thank them for 
inspiring the riff (via "S.O.S") for the `Pistols' "Pretty Vacant."

Alex in NYC

On Wednesday, November 2, 2005, at 11:54 AM, Tim Bucknall wrote:

> don't lump the pop genius of Abba together with the Shit that is the
> beegees!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexander Smith" <vassifer at earthlink.net>
> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <gathering at misera.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [kj] projectile vomiting
>> With Robyn Gibb dead, I don't think anyone's in grave danger of seeing
>> the Bee Gees perform again. And I sincerely doubt anyone's got nearly
>> enough money to coax Abba out of retirement (so long as Agnetha has
>> anything to do about it). So breathe easy.
>> Alex in NYC
>> On Wednesday, November 2, 2005, at 04:34 AM, Jpwhkj at aol.com wrote:
>>> That sounds like good advice Leigh - do you speak from personal
>>> experience?
>>> Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com> writes:
>>>> Avoid seeing the Bee Gees or ABBA in concert while you're at it.
>>>> Leigh
>>>> --- "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jamie, dont ever go to a Richard Prior or Joan
>>>>> Rivers show, the subjects on
>>>>> which they touch are very unsavoury and you will get
>>>>> very offended, and you
>>>>> will probably walk out in disgust after a few
>>>>> minutes.
>>>>>      Jamie, I'm really not going to enter into a
>>>>> debate as to whether
>>>>> segregation is a good thing because there will be
>>>>> more seats on the
>>>>> bus!!!!!!!! Its just to absurd to even think about.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: <Jpwhkj at aol.com>
>>>>> To: <gathering at misera.net>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 7:23 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [kj] projectile vomiting
>>>>>> I couldn't care less about what you say about the
>>>>> respective sizes of
>>>>> anyone.
>>>>>> Saying that you sympathize with the
>>>>> segregationists was the bit I didn't
>>>>> like. Yes, I expect you were joking, but I didn't
>>>>> think it was funny (or
>>>>> clever) - as I said at the time. I also quoted just
>>>>> that one sentence so
>>>>> that it would be clear what I was objecting to.
>>>>>> Can you defend your statement, other than with the
>>>>> "only joking, m'lud"
>>>>> defence?
>>>>>> On-list or off-list, as you see fit...
>>>>>> Jamie
>>>>>> "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>
>>>>> writes:
>>>>>>> I must disagree with the allegation that that was
>>>>> a racist comment, it
>>>>> was in reference to the large Black lady who
>>>>> squashed me on a bus recently.
>>>>>>> It's also a fact that Black ladies tend to
>>>>> larger than white ladies, who
>>>>> tend to be larger than Asians. It's also a fact that
>>>>> Black men tend to be
>>>>> larger and more muscular then their White and Asian
>>>>> counterparts.They are
>>>>> not racist statements, just facts.
>>>>>>> I do think that people who get offended and
>>>>> complain when Black people
>>>>> are mentioned , do more to segregate and marginalize
>>>>> the Black community
>>>>> than racists could ever hope to do. You are turning
>>>>> the Black community into
>>>>> the unmentionables and untouchables.
>>>>>>> Anyway, I'm not a racist. There is a White West
>>>>> Ham fan at work who is
>>>>> always giving this Black Chelsea fan at work a
>>>>> hard-time, and I am always on
>>>>> the Black guys side, I also go and sit and have a
>>>>> coffee with the black guy
>>>>> at tea-break.
>>>>>>> Anyway Rob, you have your finger on the button
>>>>> and if you want to ban me
>>>>> then go ahead, do as you see fit.
>>>>>>> P.W.
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