[kj] Gorgeous George/Mr. Peter West

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Wed May 18 09:23:19 EDT 2005

"On election night I switched off the tv in disgust when a young woman was
asked about the war and she replied "I find it really boring".

I really cannot understand that,A young woman stated that she found the war
boring,and it drove you to switch the TV off,I think you gave too much
relevance to one persons views....Like,So what what she things.
    I cant believe that ONE persons opinion could have such an adverse
effect on you.
    George Galloway is the one politician who I respect as a person,He
doesn't feel the need to toe a party line ,or to spend his time kissing
babies and smiling for the camera.
     Was the American government falsifying evidence against him?Were they
trying to discredit him just because he spoke out against them?
    Are the American Government trying to quash anybody who opposes their
actions?If so it makes a mockery of the of claims that the Iraq war was in
the name of Freedom and democracy.
Response the "List cretin",below as requested

 It was me.
     For a start Mr Annan did state that the war was illegal,But starting a
war illegally doesnt make you a war criminal.And Mr Annan is/was the head of
the U.N .   What right does this give him to make this ruling.You will say
that his status alone give s him the right to make that claim.But as George
and Tony occupy more senior roles than Mr Annan,Mr Annams views are
irrelevant,if it comes down to status.Mr Annan has been over ruled.
   A War criminal is a leader who commits atrocities on a mass scale ,during
the act of war.But to start a war illegally,doesnt actually make you a war
criminal.So even if the war was illegal ,Its still wrong to label them as
war criminals.
   I really dont know  if the war was illegal or not,and neither do you,So
stop making false assumptions.
    And you are sure that Blair's responsible for "stealth fascist
 activities",which are out of the public view ,yet you cant name
 them...........But you are sure they are true anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and
 call me a cretin!!!!!!!!!!!)How can you say that someone is guilty of a
 (fascist)crime,yet you cant even name the crime.
        And just because I disagree with you ,You assume that my brain is
 full of endorphins,I eat hamburgers and I live in a shithole (without
realising it)
   I fail to see the logic behind your reasoning.



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