[kj] Anniversary Gigs: I'LL BE THERE!
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 23 21:04:53 EST 2005
Alright, the die (dye?) is cast now: I've now booked/paid for both
tickets and hotel (somewhere in Kensington).
So now I'm *OFFICIALLY DESPERATE FOR TICKETS*. Floor if possible.
Help a Yank Gatherer out!
Alex in NYC
On Sunday, January 23, 2005, at 05:57 PM, Alexander Smith wrote:
> Fuck it, I'm coming!
> First, I'd like to thank everyone who offered me a place to stay.
> Since I'm traveling across the mighty Atlantic to be there, I figure I
> should goto both shows, no? So, air-fare will be a bitch, and the
> exchange rate couldn't be worse at the moment, but fuck it -- WHEN
> WILL I HAVE THIS CHANCE AGAIN (especially with the Mrs. talking about
> "child number two!")
> Since I'm going to be there for both shows (hopefully hopefully
> hopefully), I figure I should probably go the hotel route -- thanks to
> everyone who offered me their sofas, though. I think I'll be able to
> swindle a hotel room out of TIME Magazine (who dubiously employs me).
> The one area I still need help on is TICKETS.
> I'm looking on eBay, but if any of you folks have tickets for the
> shows that they're eager to part with, please let me know and let's
> see if we can work something out.
> Otherwise, shine up your drinkin' shoes and be ready to argue.....`cos
> I'll be there!!!! Someone tell Mik!
> Cheers,
> Alex in NYC
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