[kj] democracy remaster

Paul Rangecroft spud.u.hate at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 06:19:42 EDT 2005

Good points, Leigh. It's certainly not bad metal. There's plenty of
that around and KJ2003 don't sound nufink like it.

'Seeing Red', 'Blood on Your Hands', the choruses to TD&RS, 'Total
Invasion', 'Dark Forces'. The hook bubbling under the surface in
'Loose Cannon' - all these things make it better than DEMOCRACY, for
me. The latter album does have an edearing positivity but on the whole
it's weaker by far. The bad tracks are pretty woeful, and the good
ones aren't quite as good as those on the last album. I haven't heard
the remaster, but if I did I'd probably agree with Tim.

On 8/22/05, Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I don't think it was looking to the market anymore
> than Pandemonium was. Or even Nighttime, if you
> consider what was huge then. Does that make it bad?
> Hell no. Some of the best music in the world was
> written with the specific goal of it being a hit.
> But i don't even think that's a valid argueing point,
> cuz in 2003, it was all about garage band horseshit,
> fake new-wave, and having a "The" at the start of your
> band-name. If it was pandering on their part, then it
> was about 5 years off the mark.
> And goshdarnit, i'm just about sick of people
> describing the album as "bad metal". How about GOOD
> metal? That's a little more like it. To me, it sounds
> like Killing Joke's take on heavy music, just like
> Nighttime and Brighter were both their version of a
> more poppy sound. Yes, it's a different sound than
> what we're used to, but the simple fact is that YOU
> Leigh

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