[kj] Apocalypso

circuit bender circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 9 13:49:03 EDT 2005

I thought Jaz did a variation on the Maori 'national' anthem. He also played some traditional maori music on our piano, very well, so I guess he definitely has an interest.
When you say 'lies', can you be more specific, I mean truth is subjective, no? ;]
Didn't lords of the new church do 'apocalypso'? lol.

Thomas Kennedy <tkennedy1999 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
I think a KJ interview (w/Youth and Geordie) circa-Pandemonium said it best in that the members of KJ are individuals and have different viewpoints, etc.... and they said some insightful things about Jaz Coleman.   Is he a brilliant artist?  Absolutely.  Sh

luke <lukeskywalker3 at myway.com> wrote:
" I have realized that you have to take everythign he says with a grain of salt'

That is what I cant understand, i listened to an interview with Jaz recently and 75% of what he said was bullshit and the other 25% I just ignored because I thought that all the rest was bullshit so thats probably bullshit as well.
How can you take someone so seriously when he blatantly tells massive lies on a constant basis?
Dont the lies and deceit devalue and undermine his other statements? You guys should get in touch with reality. It makes perfect sense to me that such a prolific liar cant find a record company to release a spoken word album(Gems Of Power).
Can someone explain to me the lure of believing in frauds? All the things he said he has done i always look for evidence before I believe it, was he really responsible for the changing of the NZ national anthem? i mean, did he insigate it or did he have a coffee with the singer a few weeks after the advent?

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