[kj] Jaz Interview

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Wed Aug 3 07:42:02 EDT 2005

"We've been putting out records consistently since 1979."

Shit, looks like I missed a hell of a lot of releases.


-----Original Message-----
From: fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com>
To: The Gathering <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:06:59 +0100
Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz Interview

   Agreed - played it last night & it's not only a great lengthy 
interview, but excellent quality too.
  Excellent work Joe - you've really getting the site working as an 
official should.
  Nice to see such a jolly Jaz & such interesting things I wasn't aware 
of, such as the aforementioned villages.

  He's doing all right isn't he? I mean who else has their own 'cigar 
boy'? =;¬D

 And finally, I'll finish, if I may with a quote the interviewer "Mmgh"

 On 3/8/05 00:24, "The Resistance" wrote:

  Fantastic media - properly streamed so that even I can hear it on my 
feeble dial up - and great to hear the man - Jester, I applaud you. 
Great to hear about the villages and all the other stuff - what Jaz 
said about Geldof was really interesting, most of us including myself 
do our good cause bit to fuel our sagging egos with feelgood 
endorphines. Perhaps one day we will develop into genuine altruistic 
beings, but I doubt it.

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