[kj] Slightly OT: Jaz's survival tips!

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 08:29:30 EDT 2005

it said 'doorknob'

> Oh christ, I'm done for...
> --
> PRAEst76

"So, there is no path to truth, and there are not two truths. Truth is
not of the past or of the present, it is timeless; and the man who
quotes the truth of the Buddha, of Shankara, of the Christ, or who
merely repeats what I am saying, will not find truth, because
repetition is not truth. Repetition is a lie. Truth is a state of
being which arises when the mind— which seeks to divide, to be
exclusive, which can think only in terms of results, of achievement—
has come to an end. Only then will there be truth. The mind that is
making effort, disciplining itself in order to achieve an end, cannot
know truth, because the end is its own projection, and the pursuit of
that projection, however noble, is a form of self -worship. Such a
being is worshipping himself, and therefore he cannot know truth.
Truth is to be known only when we understand the whole process of the
mind, that is, when there is no strife."

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