[kj] happy birthday ADOLF

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 05:46:00 EDT 2005

Heh Peter, i agree here:

>    I didnt mean it work ethically wise,or the amount of work or effort it
> will take to achieve your goals.
>   I meant it in  way that some people blindly hang on to their beliefs,even
> if they are illogical ,outdated,been proved to be unworkable,and have
> absolutely no chance of realisation.But they still hang on to their beliefs
> because its easier that way, rather than face the facts.
>    PW

face the facts though is the stumbling point. What are the facts? If
you are firmly entrenched in a belief system facts are imposed methods
of viewing something. If they are so blinkered is there any hope in
seeing 'facts' other than interperating them in orchestrated way

to expand and bring back the symbolism, you didnt like symbolism and
wanted - to be brief - plain english. But if plain english is
developed by an entrenched system that develops plain english to suit
its dogmatic methods how can we break out of the circle without
utilising other methods of communication that allow the brain to
interpret in new ways?

to face facts we need to observe using eyes that havent seen before,
untainted (sorry for the pTv refernces lol). Krishnamurti refers to it
as observing with a quiet mind
live for today, live for tomorrow
"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any
organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual,
nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He
has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the
understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and
not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection..."

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