[kj] Jaz would nt appreciate this article

The Exorcist killingjoke at speakeasy.net
Wed Apr 6 09:36:55 EDT 2005

First of all sweeping floors, filling super market shelves etc... DOES 
constitute as making money.
Every worker deserves respect and credit. People need to do all levels of 
work in order for this
world to function. Whether it be Janitorial or Executive.
At the local "shop rite" next to me, plenty of kids go there to make some 
spare cash so they have
some money to go to college. This whole concept of "hard work" etc... is a 
subject that is one
best avoided. For example, If I discovered the cure for aids somehow or a 
cancer of some sort
does that mean that i can not make money off of it? Or should I just give 
out to the rest of the world
as it would be the "humane/whatever you wanna call it" thing to do?
Did Bill Gates work harder than others? Who are we to judge? Just because 
he was able to pull off
what he did and no one else up to that point managed it, does that classify 
him as the devil people
make him out to me? How about all the jobs that were created just because 
of "Windows"? I'd have to
say it is in the millions. In regards to his business ethics or practices, 
it is not my field of expertise nor
have I done an investigation into his operation (I do not consider Rumors 
or Biased opinions as fact)
so I'll keep my mouth shut about that. (What about Hollywood actors, NBA 
players or MLB players
who make tons of cash and the stadiums jack up our prices every fucking 
year? This year a CHEAP
upper level ticket to the NY Knicks cost you around 75 dollars!)
If someone creates some great invention that is beneficial to all, markets 
it, and makes enough money
off one dinky invention to live in great luxury for the rest of his life, 
does that make him somehow bad or
not entitled to his money? Are the people who work in the factory 
manufacturing this "invention" cheated
out of their money because they "work harder"?

At 09:07 AM 4/6/2005, you wrote:
>I realised when I put Bill Gates in my last piece that it was a
>mistake but he was the first one that sprung to mind.
>I've never defended Bill Gates before but what exactly do you class as
>'earning' money?
>Sweeping the floor in a factory, filling supermarket shelves,
>I'm not going to waste words on defending him any more as he has
>lawyers to do that for him.
>Think of him as purely an example and perhaps now switch to Richard
>Branson or anybody who earns more than YOU think is the right wage.
>Getting back to the point - rather than have a go at me for putting up
>a different point of view or all the people who earn a good wage, what
>do YOU think should be done to change it?
>Who do I send all my money to so that these problems all go away?
>It all very well highlighting what's wrong - that's easy!
>What's not so easy is coming up with a better plan.
>Quoting gathering-request at misera.net:
> > Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 08:21:58 -0400
> > From: gregslawson at aol.com
> > Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz would nt appreciate this article
> > To: gathering at misera.net
> > Message-ID: <8C708BA5CF51B9A-E88-8561 at mblk-r26.sysops.aol.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >
> > Saying that Bill Gates earned his $ is the most bone-headed,
> > ridiculous argument, so lame that it makes Peter look like a
> > genius. Are you saying that he works thousands of times harder than
> > another manager? Or tens of thousands of times as hard as a factory
> > worker? Or that his precious decisions are thousands of times
> > smarter than any other computer geek? With your arguments, we all
> > might as well volunteer ourselves for slavery. He earned all his $
> > by LEGALLY STEALING from others, who work for his companies for a
> > wage that is a fraction of what these workers produce in value.
> > This little fact, which some people either don't realize or justify
> > away (like you), is the root of most of the world's problems, like
> > poverty and war (since the companies don't pay workers for the full
> > value of their work, the workers can't buy all the products and
> > services that these companies make. So how do the companies make up
> > for it? Go to war to take some other countries profits!).
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