[kj] (OT) election thoughts

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 3 09:03:08 EST 2004

Literally unbelievable. I refuse to believe it. I can't fucking stand 

I seem to recall an article on Bin Laden sometime prior to September 
11th, and he explained that he would no longer avoid targeting American 
civilians (as opposed to simply military targets). By his rationale, 
America's leaders are voted into office by the American people -- thus 
the American people are complicit in the decisions made by the 
presidential administration. Around the world, it was generally agreed 
that Bush basically *STOLE* the election in 2000, thus the American 
people weren't entirely at fault. This time, this is not the case. In 
the eyes of the rest of the world more than ever, we as American 
citizens just put a stamp of approval on Bush's last four years. There 
will be no further sympathy nor understanding.

We're fucked. Duck and cover.

Alex in NYC

On Wednesday, November 3, 2004, at 03:31 AM, Neil Perry wrote:

> jesus, just got in from a ten hour election shift at
> the guardian, and I'm sat here now thinking after all
> that, all that campaigning, and a disastrous war, it's
> going to stay the same. Only possibly, probably,
> worse. Fuckers. I'm going to bed (for four years).
> N
>  --- Amy Moseley Rupp <amyr at jump.net> wrote:
>>> WTF happened? Times are frightening.
>> I dunno, but I want outta here.  OUT OF THIS
>> He will never be my president.  Ever.
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