[SPAM] Re: [kj] (OT) election thoughts

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Wed Nov 3 03:51:40 EST 2004

Neil Perry wrote:

> jesus, just got in from a ten hour election shift at
> the guardian, and I'm sat here now thinking after all
> that, all that campaigning, and a disastrous war, it's
> going to stay the same. Only possibly, probably,
> worse. Fuckers. I'm going to bed (for four years).

Well I expected it. I see too much complacency in the world. Too much 
assumption that everything is someone else's problem.

As for the US; as a friend told me earlier, they'll know what's sticking 
to them when Bush brings back the draft to stock up on troops for his 
'War On Terror[tm]' after the current quota have... expired.


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