[kj] more on Seeing Red/Crue.

bluce ree bluceree2003 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 23 11:57:09 EST 2004

from the first demo it was clear that Loose Cannon was an utter dog of a song.  I know it's got it's occasional admirers here but if it was released by someone like (picking at total random here...) Ash we'd all be like why are Ash allowed to release tuneless shit and what the hell is up with that video?
Seeing Red and Blood On Your Hands are amazing (although a bit similar - or is that just me).  Implant and Asteroid are great occasionally but very shallow.  Everything else on the album ranges from awful to below average.
I think KJ need to sort out their artist issues, get a decent record label, tour with someone good, apologise to Colesy and Mik Raven (and beg forgiveness) and release an album that isn't clearly aimed at the Kerrang TV audience as opposed to their loyal fans.
Oh and get a f**king web designer.

Graeme Rowland <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Yes Alex
Why LC was even on the album when Zennon is way better

is beyond me!

LC sounds like a cartoonish sop to nu-metal fashion 

--- Alexander Smith wrote: 
> Agreed. "Seeing Red" was (a) more timely and topical
> (b) retained 
> elements of 'classic' Killing Joke (c) was certainly
> more melodic and 
> (d) expressed a sentiment that was a great deal less
> BANAL than "Loose 
> Cannon".
> Why it wasn't the first single, I'll never know. 
> Why "Loose Cannon" 
> was *EVER* a single (first or last or whatever) is
> also beyond me.
> "Seems like they just sort....walked away from
> it...."
> I think it was the management they (wisely) walked
> away from. And so 
> too then the album and its subsequent promotion.
> That all said, I don't think it's their NEW
> management's (whomever they 
> might be) idea to tour with Motley Crue. I'm
> inclined to think that has 
> more to do with Raven's friendship with Nikki Sixx
> (and Sixx's 
> supposedly fanatical fandom of the Joke).
> Incidentally, I heard the new Crue single yesterday.
> It's godawful. The 
> Crue shouldn't try to be anything their not. They're
> a stupid metal 
> band, and so they should stay. Introspection and
> youthful angst does 
> not suit them. Big haired idiocy, libido and hollow
> exhortations of 
> rebellion does.
> Alex in NYC
> On Tuesday, December 21, 2004, at 01:12 PM,
> FlumeDC at aol.com wrote:
> > While most of us had to take a few spins to get
> comfortable with KJ03, 
> > as discussed here - it was painfully clear to me
> that Seeing Red had 
> > all the IMMEDIATE impact that we love about the
> best elements of KJ 
> > and it delivered it all in that track. Why that
> one wasn't exploited 
> > and promoted to the hilt just mystifies me. It
> was a total winner in 
> > every possible way...everyone I played it for
> loved it: from skeptical 
> > KJ veterans to the uninitiated beginners, the
> reaction was the same. 
> > It's a gem and stands tall in their
> repetoire...sez me anyway.
> >
> > Seems like they just sort of ...walked away from
> it....
> >
> > Go figure.
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