[kj] found this on GMail

Mark Kolmar mkolmar at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 12:49:16 EDT 2004

I don't know who that guy is or what the issue was, and that's not
really the point. So if you can't discuss any more particulars, let's
leave it in the abstract.

I've used the pop-up blocker on my browser-of-choice Mozilla for about
as long as that feature has existed. On some dodgy sites, your average
person could end up in a cascade of pop-ups that starts offensive and
you don't want to know where it would lead. As if the Ukrainian mafia
for example gives two shits about law or ethics...

I've also disabled remote image loading in email, and scripting is
turned off. I'm pretty sure those are both enabled in Outlook. Mozilla
Thunderbird has image loading enabled by default, but supposedly they
are changing that. One morning I clicked on one of the spams
Thunderbird didn't filter so I could nuke it. I'm not even going to
tell you what was in there. Not quite as bad as what you're thinking.
Not cool to have in your browser cache, either, whether it's a nosy
girlfriend or whoever. And who would you report the spam to? Lot of
good that would do. So that was the day image loading is turned off.

My main email address is old and well-known, which unfortunately means
it's on about every conceivable spam list, plus a few more.
Thunderbird does a pretty good job of filtering though. I haven't
received any spam on Gmail yet.


On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 02:34:05 -0500, J E S T E R
<webmaster at killing-joke.com> wrote:
> Porn spam is one thing, child porn is another. Will be for the abuse
> department to decide what to do. They do, after all, deal with this
> sort of thing every day.  I was on the call with the guy, and I do have
> many reasons for sending him on to that department, but I am not at
> liberty to discuss specifics, just the crux of the biscuit.
> I will say this also, you ARE responsible for pages you deliberately go
> to and search for.
> On Aug 12, 2004, at 6:28 PM, Peter Adams wrote:
> > Mark Kolmar wrote:
> >> As if that person is responsible for the spam he gets, or if his
> >> unpatched Windows box got "0wn3d"? If he were trying to cover
> >> something up, I doubt he'd be telling you about it.
> >
> > I've never had porn spam. But people can't help what spam they get,
> > but on your second point I think people ARE responsible for patching
> > their computers regularly. Ignorance is no defence. Or it shouldn't
> > be.

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