[kj] giger counter

Shadforth, Jane E SUKOP-UOIT/42 gathering@misera.net
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 13:29:43 +0100

I expect the european contingent will be in the lead at the moment, =
although we have plenty of chances to catch them up in October...

I can't remember who else said they were going to Rotterdam & Paris?? =
Can anyone suggest a good bar near each venue to meet up beforehand?


PS - if you reply after 16:00 BST today, please mail =
hioctaneorange@hotmail.com, which I'll try to check occasionally. We're =
off travelling to see the Cramps in Notts & London & go to a wedding in =
Sheffield before we head to NL on Sunday.

-----Original Message-----
From: pr 001 [mailto:stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com]
Sent: 25 September 2003 13:14
To: gathering@misera.net
Subject: [kj] giger counter

so who's been to the most gigs on this tour so far then? maybe we should =

have a competition and the winner gets a prize. antoni, jane, matt, mik =
you guys must be in the running. tell you what, i'll donate a kj poster =
whomever can clock up the most ticket stubs. let battle commence.

ps. jel, my post was also in half-jest so don't feel bad. now i feel bad =

about making you feel bad.

pps jerry, tell rob jel has been slagging him off.

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