[kj] Prague set-list

Jester gathering@misera.net
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 12:39:19 -0500

On 9/23/03 10:48 AM, "Amy Moseley" <amyr@jump.net> wrote:

>> If we have a repeat, to the magnitude of 9/11, I don=B9t think very many o=
>> the Arab nations will be left standing in their current state. The US,
>> overall, is a shed full of TNT, and one of the fuses were already lit. A
>> repeat of similar events, and the whole collection will explode, and I c=
>> guarantee, right or wrong, the security council wont even be talked with=
, or
>> other nations support be requested of, or worried about.
> This is true, but it's morally reprehensible given that the government
> intentionally ignored the hatred it was inculcating in the governments
> and citizens of other countries, and did nothing to allay it, and indeed,
> is further inflaming things by acting unileraterally and in a way many
> do not believe is responsible or ethical.

No commentary on what IS or IS NOT ethical, from me. What is ethical to me,
as is the usual case in human nature, is skewed, somewhat, by what affects
me directly. Therefore, I cannot comment on overall ethics. So, nothing I
say here is meant to be seen as a personal belief, just a different way to
look at the situation.

What I will say is this. No matter what the US does, someone will be
unhappy. If we went the 'other way' on even half of the issues that cause
current rifts in the global society, we would still have people complaining
and the end effect would still be the same. Just like Killing Joke choosing
a bassist. Pretty much divided in an equal split as to who wants who on new
albums. 1/3rd say Youth, 1/3rd say Raven, and 1/3rd like both equally. Fact
is, someone in the middle east would be pissed at their lot, blame someone
else, and that someone else is the US and it's allies. Fact is, the middle
east nations MUST take responsibility for themselves at some point, and qui=
blaming all their problems on other nations. There is a fundamental reason
why the region of the middle east is, and has always been, mired in such a
volatile and warlike state. This has been going on, even before there was a
USA, or even England. Blame the Roman's, while your at it. All hail Caesar!

> So if we did obliterate the Arab nations, we would be left standing
> alone, with no allies whatsoever, unless we bought them.  What a
> pleasant thought, to be a "rogue nation," a single nation undertaking
> vigilante justice against the wishes of the rest of the world.

Understand that the original comment you responded to here was said in the
event there is another 9/11-like attack. If there is another attack equal i=
magnitude as 9/11, I don=B9t think that would be so much the case, nor do I
think US citizens would, overall, care. I can seriously see us going back t=
the old time, pre World War policy of isolationism, if that were to ever
happen to the same degree. How many nations out there really want that? Cut
off ALL aid, support in all capacity, etc. I think we can safely say, NO ON=
wants that. Shit, we get complaints when we exercise sanctions on countries=
when really, why is it always the US's responsibility to provide this much
support for other places. Kind of like asking your friends dad to pay your
rent and utilities every month, as well as buy your food, is it not? I know
I know, that wouldn=B9t be very "neighborly" of the US, but then again,
neither is accepting aid, then doing nothing but complaining against the
place providing the aid.

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