[kj] Prague set-list

Amy Moseley gathering@misera.net
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:48:59 -0500

> If we have a repeat, to the magnitude of 9/11, I don=B9t think very man=
y of
> the Arab nations will be left standing in their current state. The US,
> overall, is a shed full of TNT, and one of the fuses were already lit. =
> repeat of similar events, and the whole collection will explode, and I =
> guarantee, right or wrong, the security council wont even be talked wit=
h, or
> other nations support be requested of, or worried about.

This is true, but it's morally reprehensible given that the government
intentionally ignored the hatred it was inculcating in the governments
and citizens of other countries, and did nothing to allay it, and indeed,
is further inflaming things by acting unileraterally and in a way many
do not believe is responsible or ethical.

So if we did obliterate the Arab nations, we would be left standing
alone, with no allies whatsoever, unless we bought them.  What a=20
pleasant thought, to be a "rogue nation," a single nation undertaking
vigilante justice against the wishes of the rest of the world.

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