[kj] Prague set-list. .
Amy Moseley
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:54:04 -0500
> Dunno..
> "...it was Kennedy's taunting of the Russians with a
> 1962 "practice invasion" exercise near Cuba that
> actually pushed Khrushchev into putting his missiles
> into Cuba in the first place.
Yes -- but Kennedy's baiting of the Russians was inspired by
his (and almost every other American's) hatred for them because
of their expanding their communist rule to countries who did
not wish it, either by militarily taking them over, or supporting
dictators like Castro with money and military equipment.
Would've been much better if Russia's might had been curtailed
through limiting their occupation of foreign countries after
Ask the Czechs. First the Germans took them over, and no one
really complained. Then after WWII when they were "liberated,"
the Russians took them over by replacing the government. Boy.
What a choice.
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