[kj] Prague set-list
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 16:07:59 +0100
xps1@quick.cz sed...
> I can understand that american people do not vote. Both main parties
> are sponsored and run by "5 corporation earning more than 46
> nations" and totally committed to "Age of Greed". It is becoming to
> be the case in many other countries too.
This sort of thing happens because people ignore their democratic
responsibilities. So be it, if many people in the world want their
lives run for them this is how it will be. They either don't
understand the concept of democracy or they aren't interested in it.
They have the options of voting for an independent candidate don't
they? PEople usually claim this is a 'wasted' vote. I never think a
vote for a minority vote is a waste. Voting against someone is as
democratic as voting for them. It's all about exercising public
choice. Personally I always vote for the candidate who gives me the
least creeps.
np: nothing