[kj] Prague set-list
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 14:46:26 +0200
I can understand that american people do not =
vote=2E Both main parties are sponsored and run =
by =225 corporation earning more than 46 nations=22 =
and totally committed to =22Age of Greed=22=2E
It is becoming to be the case in many other =
countries too=2E
----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A PRAEst76 =3Cpraest76=5F=5F=5F=40dsl=2Epipex=2Ecom=3E
Datum=3A pond=ECl=ED=2C 22=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 2=3A01 odp=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D Prague set-list
=3E Amy Moseley Rupp sed=2E=2E=2E
=3E =
=3E =3E I wish there was some way for people =
=3E outside the US to show their
=3E =3E support for those of us here who have =
=3E never agreed with Bush=27s
=3E =3E strategy and are doing what we can to stop =
=3E him -- the biggest key of
=3E =3E which is to NOT re-elect him in 2004=2E Part =
=3E of the equation is money
=3E =3E -- I think we might be one of the only =
=3E countries in the world where
=3E =3E one can *buy* power readily=2E Everyone both =
=3E inside and out of America
=3E =3E who wants this guy out is going to have to =
=3E use their voice and their
=3E =3E money to effect that change=2E
=3E =
=3E I=27d be happy if they used their vote=2E Most =
=3E Americans I know claim they
=3E don=27t vote because they don=27t believe in it=2E =
=3E Many of them use the last
=3E election as an example of why they don=27t =
=3E vote=2E I think it=27s an
=3E example of why they should=2C but then=2C what =
=3E business is it of mine=3F I=27m
=3E just a foreigner=2E
=3E =
=3E -- =
=3E PRAEst76
=3E http=3A//www=2Eapxf85=2Edsl=2Epipex=2Ecom/praest76
=3E np=3A nothing
=3E =
=3E =5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=
=3E Gathering mailing list
=3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =