[kj] Seeing Red/Preston/Praest etc
Sat, 20 Sep 2003 08:49:25 +0100
Amy Moseley Rupp sed...
> President Geordie. Hmmmm.... acting only, though, legally
> he couldn't hold the position having not been born here.
> Same goes for Tony Blair, who many actually would prefer
> to Bush as our President. After all, if we want to
> pursue the same agenda, why not have a better dressed
> and well-spoken dude? That would then give you lot a
> chance at a new PM .... who would you pick?
I dunno, now? you have to take into account that Tony needs to have
Alastar Campbell around otherwise he talks like this "Whabba do
folks? I like oranges... heh heh heh.... Oooops. I think I've done a
boo boo. Folks be so upset, better hide..."
> You'd have to do better than Arnold Schwarzenegger though...
Apparently he meets women at functions and pulls our their knockers for a
laugh. Was claimed in a documentory a few weeks ago. He couldn't do
that when he meets the Queen. Be a terrible faux pas.
> Are we really living in the Last Days? Sometimes it seems it!
> PS.... eyes blurry after long day at work, I initially read
> "There was an argument and Bush wanked off and ...."
> (blink blink)
Could happen...